More about

Dipl. Oec Zoran Kalabić MBA Akad.IM

Read more about my business ventures, adventures and other memorable moments thorughout my life. Be sure to take a look at all of those moments captured on camera by following the button below.



Find out everything about me from the very beginning.

Personal information

  • Family status: Married
  • Nationality: Austria
  • Kids: 4
  • Place of birth: Serbia, Paracin
  • Living in Vienna


  • 8 years of elementary school
  • 4 years of high school
  • Graduate Economist | Serbia
  • Diplom Joseph Schumpeter Institut , Akademischer Immobilienmanager
  • Diplom of Master of Business Administration MBA | Wels
  • Diplom of Economics Vienna International Studies

Over the past 30 years, either personally, or through my company in Vienna, i took pride in regular parttaking in numerous humanitarian activities (assistance to the population of Republika Bosnian and Herzegowina, as well as the Republic of Serbia during the 90s; floods in Serbia in 2014 and many others). occasions) organized by the Embassy in Vienna and/or clubs and associations of Serbian and Bosnian citizens, the humanitarian organization “Humanitas”, “Serbian Center”, the Association of Businessmen and others.

The tourist agency, which I founded in Vienna and Belgrade “Falcon Tours” (1997), contributed to the promotion of tourist and spa potentials, as well as the cultural and historical heritage of the then FR Yugoslavia, i.e. Serbia and Montenegro.

Since 2003 i am in in several real estate companies as a founder and co-founder.

At the same time, my work has made a great contribution to the organization of numerous cultural and sporting events in Austria that have helped to uphold our interests.

Awards and memorable dates

Take a closer look at all the achievements and memorable dates throughout my life.


Owning and opening of the dance club ,,Karibik”.


Awarded by ORF for „Karibik“ as the best club with a foreign manager.


Organizer of the successful soccer tournament in Vienna and Steyr with the former European Cup-Winner and World cup Winners Red Star Belgrade and (Rapid, Vienna, Sportklub and Steyr) with more than 20.000 viewers.


Leader of organisation of the Serbian Cultural Organisation for more than 20 theatre events.


The opening of Travel agency „Falcon Tours“.


The opening of the second office ,,Falcon Tours“.


The third opening of travel agency ,, Falcon Tours“ in Belgrade, awarded for the best organisation by journalists.


Awarded for the best representative of tourism in region of ex-Yugoslavia by Serbian ambassador.


AThe golden award for special contribution given by Montenegro.


The fourth opening of travel agency ,,Falcon Tours“ in Montenegro.


Award fort the best Sportmanager.


Awarded by Serbian Embassy in Vienna for special contribution.


Starting as a real estate agent at „Schalk-Immobilien“.


Starting as a real estate agent at „RE/MAX“ – Landstraße.

2006, 2007 and 2008

Announced fort he best real estate agent in Austria by association for ex-Yu economy.


Vice-president of sport club SV Prater and the member of Serbian culture centre.


Best real estate agent at RE/MAX in Austria.


Getting the franchisee for ERA – Real Estate.


ERA AWARD-Newcomer of the year


ERA AWARD-bureau of the year in Austria.


ERA AWARD-bureau of the year in Austria.


Diplom Joseph Schumpeter Institut , Akademischer Immobilienmanager.


ERA AWARD-bureau of the year in Austria.


ERA AWARD-March, New Orleans. Awarded for one of the best managers in Europe.


Awarded for the special contribution on the behalf of Belgrade.


Diplom of Master of Business Administration MBA Wels Several awards from Vereinen , clubs, Kulturinstitutionen, etc.


ERA Award – best office in Austria, best broker of Austria, Las Vegas.


ERA Award – best office in Austria, best broker of Austria, Aucon Texas.


Member of the Economics Senate in Austria.


Reward of the Serbian community Prosvjeta for special contributions.


ERA Award – best broker of Austria and best office in Austria, Los Angeles, California and Golden insignia for special contributions of the Serbian umbrella organisation in Vienna.


Jagodina.Nomination: freeman of Jagodina.


ERA Award – best broker of Austria and best office in Austria, Washington DC, USA.


ERA Award – best broker of Austria and best office in Austria, Texas, USA.


ERA Award – best broker of Austria and best office in Austria, Los Angeles, CA, USA.


Foundation of non-profit organization Privileg Vienna (in four years 5250 members).


ERA Award – best broker of Austria and best office in Austria, San Francisco, CA, USA.

2016, 2017, 2018

FindMyhome Award top quality agent in Austria .


ERA Award – best broker of Austria and best office in Austria, Washington DC, USA.


Award of the Association of Serbs in Austria and France for nurture of Serbian culture and language.


Certificate of Honor St. Anna Children’s cancer research institute for 23 years of support of this hospital.


ABC Award for the top enterprise in Austria 4M Immobilien & Consulting.


ImmoWelt Award Germany for the proven qualification and first-class marketing performance.


Certificate of Honor St. Anna Children’s cancer research institute for 24 years of support of this hospital.


Proclamation for the Knight Commander of Military & Hospitaller Order of Saint Lazarus of Jerusalem – given by the Prior in Austria; London, Vienna Söchau September 2021.


Tesla Gold Medal of the Nikola Tesla Science Foundation from Philadelphia, US for patriotic and humanitarian activities- November 2021.


At the moment owner and shareholder of multiple investment-enterprises with more than 220 employees Privileg. 4 years successful work with over 5820 members. Association Privileg provides legal advisory services free of charge. Since the founding we had over 12.000 pro bono legal councelings – December 2021.


Currently the owner and shareholder of several investment companies with more than 220 employees.


Received the status of SENATOR of VAUWIPVW “Verein für Aus- und Weiterbildung in praxisorientierter Versicherungswissenschat” due my big support in several projects.


Zoran Kalabic awarded by the President of Serbia Aleksandar Vucic with the star of Karadjordje. For the Statehood day of Serbia Sretenje , I was honored by the President Aleksandar Vucic with the award Star of Karadjordje for special merits in strengthening relations between the Republic of Serbia and the Republic of Austria in the field of public and economic activities.


Awarded by His Excellency the Ambassador of the Republic of Serbia in Austria, Dr. Nebojsa Rodic for my contribution to achieving goals within social and cultural engagement, as well as for promoting ecological and social market economy between Serbia and Austria.


October Award – Gold plaque of the city of Jagodina for exceptional contribution to establishing business contacts and strengthening economy. Prize of 50.000 Dinar i gave to a woman with five children.


FEBRUARY IN PARIS | French Association of Serbian Friendship – Awarded for selfless support of the serbian-french culture, language and friendship.


Certificate of Honor St. Anna Children’s cancer research institute for 27 years of support of this hospital.